Dr. Paul Stuart Wichansky, Motivational Speaker
Disability Acceptance    Leadership & Resiliency
Diversity    Overcoming Adversity   Anti-Bullying


Dr. Paul Stuart Wichansky

disABILITY Motivational Speaker

Never let your attitude

become a disability.

Never let your attitude become a disability. 

Never let your attitude become a disability.

Our challenges can be our greatest gifts.

As a motivational speaker and author, I share uplifting stories that have inspired me to triumph over cerebral palsy and hearing loss.  Growing up before inclusion was the guiding standard in education, I was fortunate to be mainstreamed yet encountered physical bullying in school.  Rather than respond in anger, I chose to forgive and help the bullies!  Instilling this self-love and confidence is the highlight of these programs.  A positive mindset can help us celebrate our uniqueness and accept others who are different.  Learning about our differences transforms fear and ignorance into kindness, respect, and even admiration.

I believe this is the triumph of the human spirit.

For 43 years, since age 10, I have shared my story with over one million youth and adults in 23 U.S. states and with foreign-exchange students from 20 countries.  For 17 years, our NJ State Police has invited me to speak on leadership and overcoming adversity with high-school seniors during Trooper Youth Week.  My book, "Yes I Can!"  helps teens and special needs kids face incredible adversity with courage and resilience.

inspiring NJ speakers who overcome disabilities

Sharing moments of my life as examples, these programs demonstrate that a perspective shift can instill hope and optimism, culminating in a persuasive self-introspection that helps boost confidence and optimizes mental health. Former students have reached out to me 10-15 years later, thanking me for saving their life.  Nothing could ever be more important.

My online resume highlights programs that inspire confidence, personal growth, and opportunity.

Photo: Head shot
Signed by Billy Joel & Elton John

Our challenges can be our greatest gifts.

As a motivational speaker with cerebral palsy and hearing loss, I host programs to help youth, parents, and educators find the courage to accept and navigate life's challenges.  Standing in front of my audience, I share stories that reflect a journey of self-discovery to realize my lifelong goal of walking.  The objective is to show how a positive mindset can, in the face of incredible challenges, build confidence and create opportunities to dream, achieve, and succeed.

My book, Yes I Can!, is an uplifting self-help memoir that helps special needs kids, teens, and parents overcome self-doubt when faced with bullying or other adversity.  This book shows readers, by examples, how to harness their untapped potential.

Cerebral palsy and hearing loss are gifts that have given me a unique life perspective.  These programs help transform ignorance into kindness and respect for those who strive to rise above adversity.  Topics include diversity, disability awareness , anti-bullying , overcoming adversity, leadership, and resilience.

During the past 42 years, since age 10, I have shared my story with over one million youth and adults nationwide.  My online resume highlights a passion for helping others harness their full potential.

Photo: Head shot
Inspirational conference keynote

Our challenges are our greatest gifts.

As a motivational speaker with cerebral palsy and hearing loss, I host programs to help youth, parents, and educators find the courage to accept and navigate life's challenges.  Standing in front of my audience, I share stories that reflect a journey of self-discovery to realize my lifelong dream of walking.  The objective is to show how a positive mindset can, in the face of incredible challenges, build confidence and create opportunities to achieve and succeed.

My book, Yes I Can!, helps special needs kids, teens, and parents overcome self-doubt when faced with adversity, such as bullying and prejudice.  This book shows to readers, by examples, how to harness their untapped potential.

Cerebral palsy and hearing loss are gifts that have given me a unique life perspective.  The program helps transform ignorance into kindness, respect, and admiration for those who strive to rise above adversity. Topics include diversity, disability awareness , anti-bullying , overcoming adversity, resilience, and leadership.

For 42 years, since age 10, I have shared my story with 1M+ youth and adults nationwide. My online resume highlights a passion for hosting these programs that inspire confidence, personal growth, and opportunity.


"I have worked with motivational speaker Tony Robbins for many years and have seen firsthand what a true inspirational force can do.  I have been with Dr. Paul at many events and will say with no compunction that Dr. Paul matches Tony's ability to ignite that tiny spark in one's mind and soul, launching a new awareness which leads to irreversible progress and happiness." -- Mark Ganguzza, CBS Television producer (June 2023)

My programs for K-12 schools and youth groups highlight:

  • diversity:  develop an appreciation for those different in culture, background, or disability;
  • disability awareness:  better understand the feelings and dreams of special needs students;
  • character education:  encourage students to treat peers with kindness and respect;
  • anti-bullying:  share examples of being bullied and learning to resolve conflicts without anger or frustration;
  • motivation:  instilling confidence to try our best to achieve and succeed;
  • leadership:  a perspective shift that encourages optimism, reducing self-doubt; and
  • resilience:  transform any negative moment into a positive learning experience.

Available for colleges and organizations seeking a conference speaker who emphasizes:

  • disability acceptance:  overcome adversity with perseverance and a "Yes I Can!" attitude;
  • a positive mindset:  offers ways to optimize our physical, mental, and emotional health;
  • individual and organizational goals:  strive to rise above daily challenges and achieve;
  • residence life:  share strategies to create a positive environment and reduce anxiety; and
  • growth and resilience:  ways to rise above academic and professional challenges.

Here are the recent awards I have earned.  Written testimonials from a variety of audiences.

My online speaker resume (updated March 2024).

Speaking Experience
Awards and Honors

Invest in a champion motivational speaker who opens hearts and minds.  Let's touch base.


Invest in a champion motivational speaker who opens hearts and minds Let's touch base.


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